Friday, May 1, 2009

M416 Military Jeep Trailer Canvas Cover

I have one this M416 for 3 years long, the main reason is for collection purpose. But I use it for camping in a few occasions. I’m very pleased to have it because there are not for sale any more from the US military and it is a nice and authentic piece to collectors.

The only problem that I had is that my tarp was missing and there were execs of humidity due to proximity to the ocean, and it was really hard to keep it out of rust. I tried so hard to get one but due that original one does not exist anymore it was so hard to solve this problem.

I found a place in Bangladesh, they sell custom designed tarps and I order one and was perfect because I ordered with all the original military drawing and layouts, it is so professional that it looks original. It’s really canvas as same as the authentic ones.

My friends called me and ordered me more to replace their old ones and now I like to present to my military collectors fellows.

If you like to collect this kind of toys and would like to buy or replace an old one please contact me at